[KH3] Kingdom of Corona

Kingdom of Corona is one of the first two worlds you can go to after Twilight Town. Here the difficulty ramps up even more with new types of enemies and extended fights.

Chief Puff introduction

The chief puff is the leader version of the puffs and have coordinated attacks and armor. Casting aero to the monster will immediately dispel the armor and destroy its formation. If you ever find yourself in range of its needle cannon attack, you're probably gonna die so just cast aero.

Monkey Cannon tower

This fight has four stages and only one checkpoint after the first stage.

1st stage - Monkey cannon

The tower in the center deals a lot of damage to almost the entire map. The attack can be dodged by following the way the cannons are moving and rotating along with the tower. This attack is initiated whenever a monkey(powerwilds) gets up on the tower and stays there for a second.

I've found it easier to just keep keep the monkeys off the tower. This needed a change in mindset of trying to kill the monkies as fast as I can to just doing a full combo on the monkey on the tower and then waiting for the next monkey to get up.

2nd - 4th stages - Horse carriage

Beating the monkies will reveal that the tower was actually a pile of cars with horse heads. The Chaos Carriage fight has three stages each with roughly the same HP and no checkpoints. It gets progressively easier but ration the heals well.

It has three main attacks. The charge attack is easily counterable as there usually is a gap between start and it hitting you. Second attack is one where it rears its head and stomps on the ground, this opens up a reaction command to deal a lot of damage. Last one is the spin. This is unblockable and annoying. At least after getting through the first phase the carriage keeps getting shorter so it's okay.

Tower guardian

TBH, this fight was taking so long and I kept getting blasted or losing focus so I was thinking of going into Toy Story first before trying again. And, I didn't go, I tried a bit more just before lunch. And I won!

The start of the fight introduces most of the mechanics of this boss. It has a hugging attack, a spiral charging attack, and a body slam. These are pretty simple except for the body slam which spreads pollen, if the attack isn't blocked the pollen will deal damage if you approach the boss. The only thing that could make it complicated is the crow missiles. It is used as a combination attack with the charge and the body slam.

Once the health goes down to 70% and 30%, a new attack and additional complication is added. Once the health is reached your position in the stage is reset and the boss goes up the tower. In making your way to the tower fences will show up and bombs will be dropped. bombs can mostly be dodged unless your looking for the exit in the fences. This was very much a luck game for me and where most of my frustration came from. Until I found the solution. Keeping the finisher from the Olympus keyblade for the fence stage gives you invincibility and lets you fly over the bombs and fences and go straight to the top of the tower. Knock the boss from the top of the tower with a finisher and you're back to the beginning but more complicated.

The added complexity is the flowers summoned on the ground to chain you. You'll have about 15 to 20 seconds to destroy the flower because if you don't you die. It's better to just move away from the area where the flowers spawn instead of dealing with them when you get caught because the boss is still free to attack you.

I beat it!

PS. The game lists the chapters of Toy Box before Corona so technically it's first. The guide for Toy Box is use the gigas.