牛丼 washing machine

牛丼 washing machine

Hello, this morning I wasn't feeling fine but I went out because I needed to not get fired yet. The traffic was super light that I didn't even feel the usual pressure of making it in time. Feeling better already, I decided to go eat pizza with Asena for lunch in the fancy Italian restaurant I saw last time.

There were people touring the office. I just thought "Hmm, I best try not to get コロナ" so I hide in my desk all morning. Except for food, food and money. They had free popcorn and hotdogs and also a free bingo. waowao

Now it's lunch time. PIZZA time. I call Asena, we double-check that we have enough money for pizza, then we head to pizza place. Except it wasn't a pizza place at all, they had no pizza and didn't accept card payments(╥﹏╥)

Sad and beaten, we went where all salarymen go, 焼き鳥.

Got the 牛丼 and the chicken meatballs. The gyuudon wasn't too good because the sauce wasn't too tasty, not enough onions, the colors didn't look nice, the bowl wasn't a lot, and the beef didn't taste good. Its good parts are it having onions and egg. It didn't look too good but I love onions and egg🤎🐢


It was a good end for the day(totally didn't try to play maimai and had my arms dried up)