Exploring vim or nvim, whatever

Last week I happened to watch a guy that was typing it out on a cafe. It looked like it could have been a tutorial video on how to use the software that he was using but it was more of a therapeutic ASMR with the pleasant typing sounds and the calm background it was overlayed on. Most importantly though, he was typing it out so fast and confidently only on his keyboard without stopping to look at a manual and that his workflow was super smooth. I want to be able to do that too: type fast and know the platforms I'm using on top of my head.

I have been using vim for years now and you couldn't call my workflow smooth compared to someone who can use other features of vim. I can open and compare files, record macros, search, jump to parts of the file, and that's about it. Other than the usual commands and configs you can do, I haven't really explored the more exotic features and possible plugins you could use. That 's what I'm doing now.

I installed neovim today because I saw that it is a pretty recent fork of vim that also supports plugins not written in vimscript. This could mean that I can customize plugins without having to learn a new language while still having access to most vim plugins. The keybinds and commands are the same so there really is nothing stopping me from using neovim. Except maybe the command name length and my instinct but we could work through that.

Things we want to be able to do in our editor:

  1. Spell checking and correction
  2. Context aware autocomplete
  3. Understand highlights and colors
  4. Programming help tools
  5. Use arrow keys less
  6. Learn more keybindings overall

Doing a quick search, I've found that people have done a lot of work on this already and I just need to learn how to use them. After getting a bit more used to these functions, I'll try improving on my usage of multiple windows and stuff.